Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Windows Vista Top 10 Tips and Triks

1)..Explore the new Windows Vista start menu.
Looking for specific applications, Web sites, and e-mails is faster than ever with the streamlined Windows Vista start menu. To find a specific application or file, click the Windows key on the keyboard (or open the start menu)
and enter the file name in the Instant Search field. As you type, Windows Vista dynamically searches filenames, metadata, and the full text of all files and displays the choices by file type. For example, type “out” to findMicrosoft® Outlook®.

2)..Discover the new search explorer.
Try filtering by type using the search pane and selecting Documents. Next choose to see your files in another way, via the new stack view. Select the author column header control drop down menu, and choose the option to Stack by author. Explore all the documents by a particular author by double clicking on an author’s stack. Now, save that search as a new search folder. Choose the option Save Search found on the top command bar and name and save your search folder. In the future, to re-run it, simply select the Searches folder link on the left side navigation pane, and double click on your searchfolder.

3)..Experience the enhanced user interface.
If your PC supports the Windows® Aero™ user experience, open multiple files and see how easy it is to locate the right open window using the breakthrough Windows Flip(simply ALT+TAB) or Flip 3D (Windows key+TAB).

4)..Browse multiple Web sites.
Tabbed browsing in Internet Explorer® 7 enables a single Internet Explorer window to run with the convenience of multiple pages. Open a new page by clicking the emptytab on the toolbar or by right-clicking any hyperlink and choosing New Tab. Tabs can also be right-clicked to refresh individual pages or refresh pages as a group. Youcan close either individual tabs or an entire group, and you can save tabs as one favorite group. With the Quick Tabs feature, the icon just to the right of the Favorites icon, thumbnail images of all open tabs can be seen in a single view helping you manage multiple open tabs.

5)..Print picture perfect Web content.
Most Web sites are simply not formatted to fit cleanly on a standard piece of paper. With the new shrink to fit printing feature found in Internet Explorer 7 Web sites will no longer get cut off when sent to the printer.

6)..Collaborate with a co-worker.
Want an easy way to share files and applications with a colleague or customer—even when you may not be part of the same network? Windows Meeting Space is a newexperience in Windows Vista that enables you to start an impromptu collaboration session with other Windows Vista users. Simply open Windows Meeting Space andstart a session. Windows Vista will automatically detect other Windows Vista users that are on the same sub-net infrastructure or close enough for you to create anad hoc (direct PC-to-PC connection) wireless connection. Once you have invited them and they have accepted, you can share documents by simply dragging a documentto the Handouts area on the bottom right which instantly replicates that file across the other meeting participants’ machines. Dragging the file to the presentation area on the left side starts application sharing, enabling the other participants to watch as you present that file. If someone has a good edit for your file, you can make that edit in real time, or pass control of the application directly to that participant for them to make that edit for you.

7)..Share a folder or file directly from your PC.
Windows Vista improves on the Windows network folder sharing experience first introduced with Windows XP by giving you more flexibility in what you can share with other people and improving the setup process. With Windows Vista you can now share folders and individual files with any other user on the same corporate network. From any explorer, select a file or folder and on the command barchoose the option to Share. Enter the name of another user on the same network, and give them appropriate rights of access—reader, co-owner, etc. To help close theloop, Windows Vista can even automatically compose an e-mail to the individuals with which you have shared the content. The auto-generated e-mail contains a hyperlinkto the shared content, enabling the recipient to instantly be taken to the shared content.

8)..Create an XPS Document.
XPS documents are a new archiving format perfect for preserving content and for securely sharing information in an application independent way. To create an XPSdocument, open any document in virtually any application, and select the print option. In the printer selection menu, choose Microsoft XPS Document Writer, and save the file. Double click on the file, which should open it in theXPS Viewer, which is hosted by Internet Explorer 7. The XPS document is a pixel-perfect rendition of the original source material.

9)..Speed up your PC’s performance.
Windows Vista introduces a new concept for adding additional performance to a running system. Windows ReadyBoost™ lets people use flash memory on a USB2.0 drive, SD Card, Compact Flash, or other memory form factor to provide additional memory cache—memory that the computer can access much more quickly than it canaccess data on the hard drive. Insert a USB 2.0 memory drive with at least 512 MB capacity. When prompted, click use this device to speed up my computer.

10)..Recover a previous version of a document.
Windows Vista introduces a new feature: Previous Versions. This allows you to “roll back” the clock to an earlier version of a file that you may have accidentallysaved over or edited. In the Documents Explorer, open a document, edit it, save it, and then close it. While selecting the document, choose the Previous Versions option on the command bar, which will bring up a list of previouslysaved versions of the individual file. Choose a previous version and Windows Vista will restore your file to that version. Careful: all edits since that version will be lost.


Tips n Triks 2 Get Traffic 2 Your Site

To Build the good site is not easy,but it's possible to do.The key of good site depend on the traffic.Too many site have good contents but just have a little visitors.It's not good perform for the site.

How to make our site has tons traffic?

Here the steps that we have to do to get that goal!However, this is nothing without doing!So You must do this if You wanna get much traffic or visitors to your site.

I recommend You to choose any steps as you can do depend on the conditions or possibility to do.
Many people know but not all of them do it.So once again however you have to act by doing for best result!

Lets Check this out!
  1. High Quality n Unique Content in Your Site
  2. Choose The Memorable Domain Name 4 Your Site
  3. Always Adding Content or Update
  4. You can try The Wrong Domain name 4 your site
  5. Use The Easy To Read Domain Name 4 your site
  6. Use key word in image files
  7. Serious key word research
  8. Improve page titles
  9. Use the Organic SEO
  10. Submit to Directories or niche directories
  11. Distribute the article
  12. Write Articles for other sites
  13. Submit Articles to newsletters
  14. Submit Hints to Blogs
  15. Use keywords in online profiles
  16. Use one way links
  17. Invite others to publish content
  18. Use newsletter 4 publication
  19. Publish a mini course
  20. Write testimonials
  21. Be helpful in forum n discussion lists
  22. Post free ads in forum
  23. Create a lifely blog
  24. Use blog RSS feeds
  25. Use RSS to Email
  26. Remove Broken Links
  27. Keyword rich press releases
  28. Podcasting
  29. Use reliable hosting for your site
  30. Tweak internal Linking
  31. Chase new fads and hot topics
  32. Chase new affiliate programs
  33. Analyze your logs
  34. Join business associations
  35. Add a forum to your site
  36. Write free report or white papers
  37. Write Brandable reports
  38. Submit to ebook directories
  39. Offer to be a columnist
  40. Offer to moderate part of a forum
  41. Do something funny
  42. Be outrageous or controversial
  43. Use tag 4 your blog
  44. Newspaper websites
  45. Upload and use tag your photos
  46. Use gimmicks
  47. Create delibrate 'link bait'
  48. Syndicate your material
  49. Position your self as an expert
  50. Create a profile on
  51. Combine JV's with email capture
  52. Try offline advertising
  53. Placed a link in Yahoo Answer
  54. Get links from eBay
  55. Get links from adsense
  56. Add useful comments to blogs
  57. Add sticky content
  58. Add Classified ads to your site
  59. SNO(TM)/Social Networking Optimation
  60. Create your own fun club
  61. Effective PPC advertising
  62. Buy ads in newsletters
  63. Buy text links a carefully
  64. Advertise in less obvious places
  65. Create free web - based software
  66. Create downloadable software
  67. Get Publicity for your software
  68. Create a funny vedeo
  69. Use a signature file
  70. Think Viral!
  71. Email page to friends
  72. Add to favorites
  73. Start an affiliate program
  74. Make about us page(s)

*** Adapted from Allan Gardyne * CEO of

Which ad format should I use?

As a rule of thumb, wider ad formats tend to outperform their taller counterparts, due to their reader-friendly format. Readers absorb information in thought units (that is, several words at a time). The wider format lets them comfortably read more text at a glance without having to skip a line and return to the left margin every few words as they would be forced to do with a narrower ad. The wider ad format also lessens the likelihood of readers leaving the ad unit altogether.

Since these formats allow users to read more text without having to skip a line every few words, users' eyes have less chance to leave the ad unit altogether. If positioned well, these ad formats can increase your earnings. The formats we've found to be the most effective are the 336x280 Large Rectangle, the 300x250 Medium Rectangle, and the 160x600 Wide Skyscraper. Keep in mind that while these ad formats typically perform well, you should use the format that best complements your pages.

Tip for making the most of a little ad space: Try one of our streamlined link unit formats, shown below, or a referral unit. These formats are lean, mean, and versatile enough to fit in locations normal ads don't.

Create report templates to simplify and save time

When you've designed an experiment, it'll save time to design and save a report template for that experiment. Report templates enable you to customize and save the specifications for a report for quick access in the future, so you can avoid the lengthy process of generating the same detailed report over and over. You can save preferences like date range, any variation of channels or aggregate data, and whether you'd like to view page impressions or ad unit impressions. To create a report template, simply follow these instructions.

After you've saved a report template, you can access it with one click from your Overview page, by using the drop-down list on your Advanced Reports page, or by having it automatically emailed to you when you use emailable reports.

Setting up a schedule to have any report template emailed directly to you takes just a minute. On the Report Manager tab of your account, just select the report you want emailed to you, the frequency you'd like it sent, and file type you prefer. Alternatively, you can follow our detailed instructions.

Test your success with channels

Wondering whether a certain ad placement, format, or color will be effective on your pages? Run a test to find out. Experimenting with AdSense can help you discover what will work best for your site, and channels are the perfect tool for your experiments. Any time you make changes to your site, take advantage of channels to measure and observe the effects. Whether you want to track a specific type of ad placement or an entire site, custom and URL channels will help you determine what'll be most successful.

Testing will also help you make smart decisions about your ads. If you're considering implementing one of our other optimization tips, we encourage you to test it out with channels. The more you test, the better you know the effects of the ads. The better you know the effects of the ads, the faster you'll realize your revenue potential.

Tip for channel users: When you create a custom channel, give it a detailed name so you can easily identify it later in your reports. For example, "ArticleRightWideSkyscraperOpenAir" could represent your wide skyscraper ad unit with the Open Air palette, located on the right-hand side of your article pages.